Monday, May 4, 2015

Sharing is caring :)

Halo, di postingan kali ini saya mau sharing soal beberapa akun di sosial media yang saya rekomendasikan untuk di follow. hehehe.

harus banget follow Om Piring a.k.a @newsplatter. He's smart, funny and handsome! LOL paket combo klo di Hokben :p. Selain itu, saya juga suka banget sama tab favoritenya Ruth (@rrdk_) di twitter. Isinya postingan tweet2 orang lain, isinya bagus2 deh. Trus saya juga follow twitternya Arsya (@social_junkee), kadang dia suka posting hal2 konyol, bikin ketawa. Tab favoritenya Arsya juga isinya kumpulan tweet2 kocak. :))

Saya itu ngefans banget sama @newsplatter. Awalnya follow dia di twitter, eh lama2 baca blognya juga. Namanya The Laughing Phoenix. Banyak postingan Om Piring yang saya suka, tapi baru2 ini Om Piring posting soal "Clean up your own mess" yang menyindir "mental majikan" sebagian orang2 Indonesia. Selain Om Piring, saya juga suka sama blognya Adhitya Mulya, eh ini itungannya website sih bukan blog. Postingan dia yang bikin nyess di hati itu: "Karena Allah Tidak Pernah Salah Kasih Rizki". Ada juga postingan Adhitya Mulya soal: "Mengapa Islam Turun di Timur Tengah" yang ngasi saya pengetahuan soal penyebaran Islam di luar cerita yang selama ini saya ketahui.

Anyway, belakangan saya lagi nyari blog yang ringan dibaca tapi cukup berbobot. Sempet ngalor ngidul di internet, akhirnya ketemu blognya Rara Rizal. Ada satu postingan yang bikin hati saya mencelos. Judulnya: Love is not. Ada juga fiksi mini: Could not be found - Short Story yang ceritanya ngalir bikin kita ga terburu2 baca, tapi bikin nunggu2 kalimat2 selanjutnya. Rara nulis blognya dalam bahasa inggris yang perfect menurut saya. Pengen banget kelak bisa nulis kaya gini. hehehe.

Referensi saya belom banyak sih klo soal IG, tapi saya suka sama tone foto2nya @harrissyn, suka sama kreatifnya @pinot, dan caption fotonya @socialjunkee.

Saya lagi suka lagunya Poison and Wine - The Civil Wars. Selain lagu ini ada juga lagu yang saya suka, judulnya dust to dust. Sempet cari2 tau lagu terbarunya, tapi sayangnya mereka udah bubar :|

Trus suka juga sama lagunya Noah and the Whale yang judulnya Blue Skies

Saya tau kedua lagu itu dari cover2nya String Attached. Versinya mereka lebih ngena sih.

Saya juga suka covernya mereka yang Regina Vektor - Us

Hwaaaa banyaaakk. segitu dulu sharingnya. Btw klo ada musik/blog/twitter/instagram bagus yang kalian rekomendasikan monggo di share yaa :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

McDreamy farewell

OMG did I tell you that I love #greysanatomy series? I think I mentioned it before. 

So I’ve been pissed over the past weekend because Derek died, tragically. And i’m not the only one who’s very angry about it, everyone does, I mean #greysanatomy fans of course. I read it somewhere that some of the fans decided to stop watching this show. I understand. The thing about #MaredithDerek is what this show is about. That true love does exist.

Last night episode was great. I'm so inspired and it makes me want to write about it. Finally, #greysanatomy is getting real: there is no such thing as fairy tale. Maredith losing the love of her life, so does everyone. People come and go, they'll drift in and out of your life.

Anyway, what I love about this episode is we can see various ways of people overcome their difficulties in their life.

Meredith’s disappeared
Derek Died. it’s not easy for Mer to handle it. So she left. She needs time to process, to accept. She is not runaway, she paused. And it’s ok. We do have that moment, when you're fully aware that you can’t bare the pain, and you just want to get away. Not to avoid the problem, but to gain your strength back. Change is never easy, give yourself 5 minutes to adapt.

Burn patients
To treat skin burn patient, the doctor must peeling the burn skin layer by layer until they exposed healthy tissue in order to help a new skin to grow. During the procedure, Ann warned by Jayjay (other patient) that it’s a very painful process. From that day, Jayjay always give her support by telling funny stories in order to help Ann undergo the painful procedure. Do you reminiscing this moment? I bet ya do. The first to help you up are the ones who know how it feels to fall down. They’re know the drill, they've been experienced it before, and they know how to handle it. That’s what friends are for, right?

Later, Jayjay passed away, leaving Ann dealing her pain all by herself. You can’t always rely on someone when the going gets tough. It’s your problem, it’s your pain, and it’s your process. Friend is like first aid, but you can't depend on others for your own trouble nor your happiness.

Amelia’s denial
Amelia witnessed her dad being murdered, she watched her boyfriend overdosed, she lost her baby and her brother, Derek. It’s too much for her to handle it. So she managed her loss by acting like it’s not a big deal, play a joke about her brother's death. She suppressed her pain and become sarcastic. She also become workaholic doctor, give her life to save others because she can't bear any loss. It’s natural to feel this way. Denial is a self defense mechanism to protect yourself from grief. But by avoiding it, doesn’t mean the pain will gone forever, its still there, waiting to burst. So, you have to feel it, feel the pain, be grief, and be destroyed to rebuild our self again. That’s the entire point on being alive. You move forward. 

Oh Shonda Rhimes, this episode was great, now I can forgive you. LOL. 

Bye Derek. You'll always be our McDreamy.